Nordic   Modern   Art&Design
  • A mahogany and brass folding camera with C.P Goerz goerz rapid paraplanat II lens, around year 1900.
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  • A mahogany and brass folding camera with C.P Goerz goerz rapid paraplanat II lens, around year 1900.

    With a C.P Goerz goerz rapid paraplanat II lens, one cartridge, a brass loupe and a camera cord. Height of the kamera ca 23 cm.

    Wear due to age and use. Marks. Scratches. Lens with little durt. Not tested.

    • €990.00
    • Satisfaction:

      Sales: 0

      Review: 0

    • Quantity:
    • (Inventory: 99999)

With a C.P Goerz goerz rapid paraplanat II lens, one cartridge, a brass loupe and a camera cord. Height of the kamera ca 23 cm.

Wear due to age and use. Marks. Scratches. Lens with little durt. Not tested.

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